WOW.this is like the 1st time i updated my blog in ages.
although i think its a lil 2 late 2 post abt dis but ah wat the heck.haha
n 2morrows exam day ==' bhahaha >:)
juz im so bored tht i remembered 2 post abt my openhouse in my blog. haha :P
liked 2 thank my frenz who came 2 my house tht day.
i really appreciate it guys ;)
Well,this is the annual event of the year for me n my pals,
my openhouse was held at 17 oct dis year.
although some of my frenz didnt act make it.
it was a blast at the end.

my dad like invited alot of singers dis year
n they sang until like 12.30 a.m =='
their was mawi n ekin ;)
but best of all is diana danielle.she was a babe.hahahaha XD

i was forced 2 dance on stage
(it was torture n not gonna show tht pic of me XP)
but i made a breakthrough. :D
n i sang at the end of the event.
wat song?i dun wan 2 miss a thing by aerosmith. haha
(trust me,its was hard)
n 2morrows exam day ==' bhahaha >:)
juz im so bored tht i remembered 2 post abt my openhouse in my blog. haha :P
liked 2 thank my frenz who came 2 my house tht day.
i really appreciate it guys ;)
Well,this is the annual event of the year for me n my pals,
my openhouse was held at 17 oct dis year.
although some of my frenz didnt act make it.
it was a blast at the end.
my dad like invited alot of singers dis year
n they sang until like 12.30 a.m =='
their was mawi n ekin ;)
but best of all is diana danielle.she was a babe.hahahaha XD
(it was torture n not gonna show tht pic of me XP)
but i made a breakthrough. :D
n i sang at the end of the event.
wat song?i dun wan 2 miss a thing by aerosmith. haha
(trust me,its was hard)
haha, sing like a frog!